More about our Workshops

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   Extracts from the feedback received from some of  Zoom workshops...

      Sailing the Three Cs

  • It was really helpful - I do feel that we as therapists would benefit from yearly training around this subject - to keep feeling confident and to feel knowledgeable and clear on what may be expected to make it feel less daunting.

  • I personally think that the more time and space we give to the issues around (our) work that can be really intimidating and stressful - the less apprehensive we will be around it. 

  • It was really helpful and delivered in such a sensitive and caring way. 

  • The clearer understanding of how to structure notes and what could be requested through the courts, and GDPR process is invaluable.


    Holding the Court

  • I felt reassured through not just the facilitator of the training but by the other therapists attending too who all

      had very similar questions to me. It was nice to have a space that felt so open and un-intimidating around such a          weighty and challenging issue such as presenting in court. I now understand my rights a bit more as a therapist-          where I stand legally when social workers/lawyers ask me for information and also who to reach out to for                    further    support ...... I learnt that the key is in being organised beforehand and also to really consider how I                  document my work and record it. 

  • The recommendation of ways to work when working with clients who are pre-trial. I enjoyed the opportunity to explore dilemmas that may come up.

  • All of it really. It’s taken away my fear of the unknown (being called to court), clarified my record keeping and confidentiality limits with clients and given me more confidence as a professional.



       Other comments:


  • ... she took what could have been a rather dry subject and injected life, warmth and care into it.  She used metaphors which really helped me understand the process of the course. Overall an excellent training!

  • ... good pace and informative.

  • This was excellent training. .... knowledgeable, clear and sensitive to our needs from the training.

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